Friday, May 21, 2010

On Healing

Today marks one year since I had significant surgery on my shoulder. I remember how much pain I was in post-op and how limited my movements were in my right arm. I relied on my mom for nearly everything and on my left arm for the few things I could do myself. Shortly after the surgery my aunt asked me if I was glad I'd had it, and I didn't know the answer because my abilities were still so restricted. Well, one year later, I'm thrilled to report that my arm is doing very well. In fact, it's almost like new, and I rarely think about the possibility of it popping out of its socket. I even went bowling last month.

Time and proper care can heal many of our physical wounds. And ideally that would be the case regarding matters of the heart. But it seems to me that emotional wounds require a longer recovery period and that the necessary steps for healing are a lot more ambiguous. Thus, putting all matters into their appropriate context, it's a great comfort to recall this verse:
He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed.  -Isaiah 53:5

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