Thursday, May 27, 2010

BSF Shout-Out, Pt. 2

Amid all the uncertainty of life, I'm grateful for a particular constant -BSF. Whether in NYC, SoCal, or Seoul, I've had access to this incredible ministry which has been a source of tremendous strength and encouragement. Living away from my own sisters is terribly difficult, but through BSF I've been blessed with dear friends who also act as my surrogate sisters.  

Today was Sharing Day, our last class in this series on the gospel of John. Given the intensity of this particular study, it was challenging to choose only one or two standout learnings; that said, the lesson on Jesus and the Samaritan woman was especially moving. This poignant story of Jesus meeting a scorned woman on her turf really resonates with me as it's a vivid reminder of how He meets us where we're at; and we don't need to clean up before He arrives.

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