Friday, January 22, 2010

Slumber, Party of One

I fully realize that what I'm about to write puts me into the rarefied category of homebody (ha!), but it must be said:  it's 9pm on Friday night, and I cannot wait to curl up and fall asleep watching The Mary Tyler Moore Show. I know this behavior is more akin to that of those two or three generations ahead of me, but really, given the pace of the last three weeks, can you blame me?

Since Intensives began, I've been away from my apartment for a minimum of 12 to 14 hours, Monday through Friday. And when I am here, the activity breakdown is basically: 
  • wolf down a bite to eat
  • dash off a blog post
  • sleep
  • scramble to get ready when my alarm goes off 
Not exactly leisurely pursuits.

All this to say that a solid night's sleep will do wonders for me mentally and physically, and who knows, tomorrow morning I may wake up energized and ready to catch up on everything -like addressing your comments and emails! In the meantime, thanks for bearing with me and for not interpreting my delayed responses as indifference. I love to hear from you.


  1. Those "rarefied" nights of wanting to climb in bed with an old movie or favorite book at 9 PM will slowly seem less and less rarefied as time goes by...welcome to the "middle ages"!

  2. You deserve a good movie and a good sleep!
    The only thing missing was some of Jacque Torres spicy hot chocolate to top off your evening.
