Sunday, June 13, 2010

Korea Reds

Korea's victory over Greece in yesterday's World Cup match seems to have ignited greater confidence in the team's abilities. Watching the event with a room full of Koreans was quite an experience. Very dramatic and emotionally charged... lots of ooo's, ahhh's, and gasps.  

There are red tee-shirts and jerseys everywhere, as well as other soccer-related tchotchkes. Check out the nifty face masks below:

1 comment:

  1. Pablo Neruda
    Poema Veinte

    I can write the saddest verses tonight.
    Write, for example: "The night sky is full of stars,
    And far away, blue, celestial bodies tremble".
    The night wind whirls in the sky and sings.
    I can write the saddest verses tonight.
    I loved her, and sometimes she also loved me.
    Through nights like tonight I held her in my arms.
    I kissed her so many times under the infinite sky.
    She loved me, and sometimes I also loved her.
    How could one not have loved her great still eyes.
    I can write the saddest verses tonight.
    To think that I do not have her. To feel that I lost her.
    To hear the immense night, even more immeasurable without her.
    And the verse falls to the soul as dew to the pasture.
    It does not matter that my love could not keep her.
    The night sky is full of stars, and she is not with me.
    This is all. In the distance someone sings. In the distance.
    My soul cannot be relieved now that I lost her.
    My eyes search for her, trying to bring her close to me.
    My heart searches for her, and she is not with me.
    The same night, whitening the same trees.
    We, of that time, are no longer the same.
    I no longer love her, it is true, but how I loved her.
    My voice tried to find the wind to caress her hearing.
    Another's. She must belong to someone else, just as she belonged to my kisses.
    Her voice, her bright body. Her infinite eyes.
    I no longer love her, it is true, but maybe I still love her.
    Love is so short, and forgetting takes so long.
    Because through nights like tonight I held her in my arms,
    My soul cannot be relieved now that I lost her.
    Even when this is the last pain she causes me
    And these are the last verses that I write about her.
