Saturday, February 20, 2010


This picture is my favorite of all those I took while in Hong Kong. For me, it represents that even in the midst of utter despair, darkness, or depravity, we can find Jesus because He will meet us, even there. That He would condescend to humanity's level to give us the ultimate gift, while paying the ultimate price, is a baffling thought. Yet one day, full comprehension will supplant any lingering bewilderment; in the interim, there is no better comfort or friend than what we have in Jesus. To believe on Him as Savior and Lord means that as we endure earthly sufferings, our hope remains secure (see Hebrews 6:19).

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written.
    Yes, what a friend we have in Jesus, our only true Hope!
    Love you,
