Thursday, November 24, 2011

Shock and Awe

Each week I teach the same English lesson to five different class sections, and I've grown accustomed to anticipating how students will respond to my questions. However, yesterday I was nearly knocked to the floor.

The topic was advice, and I asked the students who they turn to when they need recommendations or help. Predictably they mentioned friends, parents, professors... 

When I posed the question to one particular student, he said God. This both surprised and pleased me, and I pressed for more details. His reply:  I ask Him for guidance on how I should live and what to do with my life. 

Wow. I was so impressed -not only by his answer but by his courage in saying something that was outside the realm of group-think (those of you who teach English in Korea know what I'm talking about...).

It was a shocking moment, as well as one of the most awe-inspiring of my teaching career. 

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