Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hugs from O.C.

What a treat to finally meet a very special woman who's in town, visiting from Orange County, CA. Not only that, but she brought hugs from my mom (they're friends back home). Yes, I admit I got teary-eyed, but it was a terrific way to begin the day.

In other news, my matchmaking abilities are on an upswing. Can't elaborate much due to confidentiality, but thought it should be recorded somewhere, especially since I've struck out a few times in this area. Here's hoping they make it past the first date.

Off to bed shortly, tummy full of fried chicken. (It's unbelievably chilly, and I just had to do something to warm up...)



  1. What a blessing to meet up with one of my friends in Korea. It touched my heart to read your response to such a meeting.
    Love you,

  2. I am so thankful that God crossed our paths this way. Your family is a huge blessing to me!
