Monday, July 25, 2011

French Press Hunt

I'm not reading too much into it, but my French press fell off the kitchen counter last night and smashed into a zillion pieces. (A fitting symbol, perhaps, to mark the conclusion of my photo-pictorial posts on France?) 

Since I rely on the press for my daily dose of coffee, I quickly scurried out to a nearby Starbucks to buy a replacement. I left the shop empty-handed, however, as I could not get my financially-prudent mind around the exorbitant price:  upwards of $65(!). This decision paid off as today while discussing the matter at work, a colleague suggested some alternative vendors who offered similar devices at a more reasonable price.

Which brings me to the picture above. After a fun but exhausting day teaching, I stopped by the shop of a local coffee chain, A Twosome Place, and was elated to find several French press models on display. I selected one, and as I was paying, an employee searched for a new, non-display pot, finally presenting me with the box in the photo. 

I've yet to open the box. The fact that it's gift-wrapped is endearing and somehow softens the blow of having to buy a replacement. 

(Press Hunt --> Present... get it?! These cold meds I've been taking are really affecting my imagination.)

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